Saturday, May 11, 2013

Danby DWC172BL 1.8-Cu.Ft. 17-Bottle Counter-Top Wine Cooler, Black

Danby DWC172BL 1.8-Cu.Ft. 17-Bottle Counter-Top Wine Cooler, Black

Danby DWC172BL 1.8-Cu.Ft. 17-Bottle Counter-Top Wine Cooler, Black
Good value, not for long term storage
I did a bit of research before deciding to purchase the Danby. The price was right and reviews of other makes tended to say things like "stopped working after n months". Also, the thermoelectric technology on many of the other makes doesn't seem to be able to keep things cool if the temperature reaches above 85 or 90, which is quite easy to achieve in NY during the summer. The Danby has an old tech compressor which is time tested and should be reliable for years. The major problem is vibration. When it's running the thing vibrates the wine bottles excessively. This is bad for long term evolution of wine. But, if you have bottles for long term this thing is way too small to begin with. My long term stuff is in a wine storage facility. The other problem is the temperature control. Wine shoud be stored at 53-55deg. At the very, very lowest setting (knob turned to just above where it turns off) it varies between 49-53deg, as tested by a Taylor 1458 wireless temp/humidity gauge. A little...

DO NOT waste your money or time
This isn't even worth it for a basic collector. There isn't a temperature display, but the large problem here is that the temperature control switch offers NO range at all. You could for example set it to highest or lowest settings and get no difference AT All in actual temperature. Not only that but the temperature is too cold for red wine to be properly stored. I hate to be a perfectionist here but hey, isn't that why we buy these things in the first place? I've spoken with other former owners of this hassle of a cooler and heard the same review. The best part was when I called to tell Danby of the problem customer service told me the problem was an isolated problem they've never had before and that the temperature should be able to be adjusted. SO I sent back and received another, then another. None of them ever got warmer (or colder) than 45 degrees and I have sent it back a final time. KEEP SHOPPING AROUND!

So far, so good
This reasonably priced, sturdy refrigerator seems to be doing the job it advertised. A great value for this discounted price, it is also an attractive item for your kitchen, bar or pantry. I don't know if they had Houdini doing the counting, though...I cannot possibly imagine how one could configure it into holding SEVENTEEN (!) bottles of wine!

Danby's DWC172BL 1.8 Cu. Ft. 17-Bottle Counter-Top Wine Cooler is a compact wine cooler that takes up little space but offers big storage. The counter top design provides a convenient and economical alternative to chilling wine in the fridge. The molded scratch-resistant worktop provides additional storage for accessories.The all black cabinet and tempered glass door with reversible hinge will suit almost any decor.

  • 17-Bottle (1.8 cu. ft.) capacity
  • Shatter resistant tempered glass door
  • Auto-cycle defrost
  • 2 Full Width Vinyl Coated Wire Shelves
  • 1 Staggered vinyl coated wire shelf

Price Comparison & More Details

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